Wolcott Historical Society News - August 2018
By Florence Goodman
This month I will take a break from my series that I started on how Wolcott named many of its roads found throughout our town to thank those residents who opened their beautiful gardens for our annual tour, which was a huge success.
Welcome to our gardens! On July 7th those who visited the five gardens on display for the Wolcott Historical Society's Annual Garden Tour enjoyed a wonderful weather day and unbelievably creative gardens. One visitor from Plainville said to me, "this is a well kept secret that more people need to experience" and I couldn't agree more. We are so fortunate to have so many beautiful gardens throughout our town and residents who are willing to share them with the public. Gardening is not for the weak of heart or spirit! It's no easy task planting and maintaining perennial and vegetable gardens, but the rewards from that hard work come back in the continuous blooms and fruits of your labor throughout the summer and fall.
All of the gardens on display this year had been on the tour in previous years, but they never quite look the same because nature and gardeners have a way of changing things on a regular basis. How can that be? Well, plants grow and need to be thinned, creatures destroy plant materials, some plants aren't happy where you originally placed them, trees fall and shade gardens become sunny, therefore plants may need to be moved. Those are just some reasons why our gardens are forever changing and will continue to do so.
Why do we work so hard each spring to create these garden works of art? For most gardeners it's the need to connect with nature; to dig in the soil, to listen to the birds or watch the small animals as they scurry through your yard. It's this peacefulness that allows us to get lots of exercise, unwind and problem solve; although it's a lot of physical work, it's that elated feeling you get when you see the finished product that makes it all worthwhile.
We are truly indebted to each gardener for welcoming us into their yards to view the fruits of their labors. Thank you to Ellen and Brett Muccino, Jan and Ed Tryniszewski, Judy Giannetto, Carol Jurzyk, her husband Bob Bowden and Terry and Flo Goodman. Your hard work shows and is so appreciated. I would be amiss if I did not thank all of the people who supported us through ticket sales and donations. Your generous donations from this event allow us to maintain our yearly scholarship given to a graduate from Wolcott High School. Thank you one and ALL!!
August is also a busy time for the Historical Society, as we get ready to set up our display at the Wolcott Country Fair, which will be held on August 17, 18 and 19th. Please remember to stop by and visit us in the big "RED" barn on the hill. This year's display will include friendship quilts, journals, post cards, greeting cards and letters from the past. These are just some of the ways people communicated with friends and loved ones who were far away. We will also have our great homemade cookies on sale. See you at the fair!
An old tree turned into a perfect place for birdhouses in Ellen and Brett Muccino's gardens.
A square from a friendship quilt that will be on display at the fair.
A bicycle welcomes you into Judy Giannetto's gardens.
A square from a signature quilt that will be on display at the fair.
A unique garden bench found in Jan and Ed Tryniszewski's gardens.
Peaceful beauty found in Carol Jurzyk and Bob Bowden's gardens.
A water feature found at Flo and Terry Goodman's gardens.
To view past installments of the Historical Society News, click here.