The Old Stone Schoolhouse on Nichols Road is the oldest
stone schoolhouse in Connecticut. The year 1825 was carved in the front
gable of the schoolhouse when the building was enlarged in 1898, however,
the schoolhouse may have been erected earlier, probably in 1821. This date
is based on a statement of the late Charles S. Miller, who said that Elmira
Frisbie, who was born in 1812, attended the first term of school in this
building when she was 9 years old.
Today, the building houses the collection of the Wolcott
Historical Society, a collection that encompasses over 200 years of Wolcott
and American history. The museum is occasionally open to the public (refer
to the Calendar page). It also may be viewed
by individuals or groups by appointment (call the museum curator at 203-879-4310
or the Society's president at 203-879-9818 to arrange a tour of the museum).