Wolcott Historical Society News - December 2011
By Florence Goodman
This month I will take a break from the usual history lessons so that I may give readers an update on some of the recent activities of the Wolcott Historical Society, as well as to thank those who have supported our fundraisers and yearly membership drive.
As I mention each month at the end of my articles, our Schoolhouse Museum is open to anyone who would like to visit it by calling Carl Hotkowski, our new curator or myself; but the Museum was also open in the fall on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00. This year at the end of October, we held an Antiques & Collectibles Tag Sale with free antique appraisals. The response to this event was very good so we are hoping to repeat it next year.
Every year on the first Friday in November, we hold our Annual Dessert Card Party at the Rietdyke Senior Center, which is always an enjoyable time. We serve fresh baked pies, cookies, coffee, tea, apple cider, and LOTS OF FUN!! There are door prizes, a penny auction, and if you don't want to play cards you can bring a board game to play; it's a time to socialize with friends and family. If you have never experienced a penny auction, you don't know what you are missing and our special prize tables have some very nice items. Amelia Upton and Flo Ayers organize the penny auction and have been doing so for as long as I can remember; we are very appreciative of their time spent doing so. This year the following merchants donated door prizes and we are very grateful to them: Dunkin' Donuts- Wolcott Road, Granny's Got It, Hitchcock Pizza, Mountain Top Liquor, Laurel Crest Liquor, La Fortuna's, Pat's I.G.A., Orchid Florist, Raymond's Lumber, The River Restaurant, Sandy's T.V., Scully Travel, Shear Artistry, Snips & Tips, Sovereign Bank, Walsh's Market, Webster Bank, Five Guys Flippin' Pies, The Print Shop, and Wolcott Pizza.
Fall is also membership time and we have many dedicated members who support us each year through their dues. If you are not a member, but you enjoy reading about your local history, please consider joining the Society. Membership applications can be downloaded from our website or you can call me and I will send one out to you. Our membership dues are: single $6.00, family $10.00, corporate $50, and lifetime $150. Even if you cannot attend our monthly meetings your financial support through membership fees will help with the maintenance of our Stone Schoolhouse Museum, our scholarship program, and some new initiatives we are pursuing.
In October I spoke to the St. Pius Ladies Guild about the history of our town's cemeteries. Many people in town do not realize that some of these cemeteries exist, let alone where they are located so it is always fun to enlighten them.
We also had two Boy Scout troops visit the Schoolhouse Museum this month. On November 14th seven boys and their parents and leaders from Pack 230, Den 8 enjoyed their time at the Museum and on November 29th about twenty boys from Pack 231 did the same. The boys were surprised to see many of the Wolcott artifacts that are on display and were very interested in learning some local historical facts.
As you can see, we have had a busy fall, but before you know it, winter will be a thing of the past and spring will be here again... I hope!! My point being, come July we will have our annual Garden Tour and as of now, I do not have any gardens lined up. So you have all winter to think about it and come spring, please call me and volunteer your garden for the Tour.
Next month, I hope to begin a series on the history of the Wolcott Fire Department, but I need your help. Richard Cepelak has been kind enough to get me some information on Company One, but I need to hear from someone from Companies Two and Three. My number is listed below.
Our Schoolhouse Museum is open by appointment only; you may visit the Museum by calling Carl Hotkowski 203-592-8237 or Flo Goodman 203-879-9818. Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Old Stone School on Nichols Road at 6:30 P.M. Visit our WebPages at (http://www.wolcotthistory.org/).
Second grade students from Pack 230, Den 8 at the Museum.
The boys listened to marching music on an Edison phonograph.
Scouts reading some facts about Wolcott soldiers in the Civil War.
Scouts from Pack 231 visit Schoolhouse Museum on November 29th.
Everyone enjoyed learning about Wolcott History.
To view past installments of the Wolcott Historical Society News, click here.