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[ao16aprs] Re: [amsat-bb] Help digipeat.

The callsign to digipeat APRS beacons on the birds
is as follows:

AO-16   PACSAT-1

LO-19   LUSAT-1

IO-26   ITMSAT-1

I should be digipeating via AO-16 tomorrow from an
APRS dead zone in the Southeast headed back to
Huntsville on Friday using the callsign N8DEU, then
when the birds disappear for the morning, I will use
the regular APRS 2M network when I get in range of
a digipeater near Birmingham, Alabama.  My travel
will start somewhere between 1600z -1750z which
will give me at least 1 or 2 passes to utilize.

>From the APRS dead zone the only link on 2M will
be via one of the Pacsats since there are no
digipeaters in the initial areas I will be traveling.  If
all goes well, I will access AO-16 with no trouble as
I did earlier today from the mobile station.

When my beacon hits the bird I can be found at:

http://www.aprs.net:8000/n8deu when accessing via
the digital birds or http://www.aprs.net:8000/n8deu-12
when accessing APRS via the terrestrial 2M link.

If time permits I will also try to access LO-19 and
IO-26, but that requires pulling out my laptop and
reprogramming the UNPROTO path until the digital
support a generic alias of RELAY.  Thus, making it
easier for the remote travelers to access the 3 digital
Pacsat's a little easier.

If there are no technical problems from the mobile, I
will have a signal on the Uplink tomorrow around
1600z using a $2 modification to my MFJ1270 TNC.


Tim - N8DEU

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Rogers <progers@lightspeed.bc.ca>
To: amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org <amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org>
Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 7:37 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Help digipeat.

> Hello out there, I have been trying to get a response from AO-16, LO-19
> Setup is FT 736R, AEA DSP 2232 on modem 13, I am using my beams at this
>to get a setup that works, then I can graduate to HT and small antenna.
> Software:- I have tried PACKCOM and APRS840, now my thinking is that if I
>using the DSP 2232 I should be able to read the output with any software??
>why am I
>getting nothing, even when I hear data on AO-16.
> My UNP on AO-16 is APRS via PACSAT-1, what would it be on LO-19?
>I would appreciate any tips on this setup
>Thank you
>Peter VE7AHX
>Via the amsat-bb mailing list at AMSAT.ORG courtesy of AMSAT-NA.
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