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[ao16aprs] RE: WIDE,WIDE needed?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Bob Bruninga [SMTP:bruninga@nadn.navy.mil]
> Sent:	Tuesday, September 14, 1999 1:11 AM
> To:	TAPR AO-16 APRS Special Interest Group
> Subject:	[ao16aprs] WIDE,WIDE needed?
> On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Jeff Griffin wrote:
> > It's real simple,all I did was send a message using my PalmPilot and
> > PocketAPRS addressed to email. the path I used was pacsat-1,wide,wide,
> > or lusat-1,wide,wide....
> By the way, I think we can all drop the ...WIDE,WIDE now, since all the
> injection-into-the-internet is being done directly by Mac/WinAPRS or
> APRS+SA, so there is no need for the ...wide,wide.
> But if anyone is doing it differently and IS actually digipeating back to
> 144.39 directly, let us know.   Otherwise, the wides do nothing but waste
> bandwidth?
I haven't got my modem ready yet (to busy to go out and get the parts) but
the software side is ready to digi it back to 144.8625 so in europe it is
stil a good idea to include WIDE,WIDE.

I've got my I-GATE up and running using aprsd 2.0.10 (using a dailup line so
no fultime yet) but some poeple have discoverd it already (hoi Art), poeple
wanting to give it a try with messaging give me a call and i'll tell you who
are online at that time.

I'll be in Wheinheim UKW tagung next saterday so i won't be online with the
gate than but i'll take my porto with me and will be listening in 144.8625
for aprs and 430.2375 with ctcss of 71.9 Hz.

hope to meet some european aprs there.

> Bob
73 de Andre PE1RDW

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