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[ao16aprs] satgate ready to go

 Good morning everyone. I'm done testing here, after tweaking the  D/L
frequencies control in WiSP I  Worked all  AO-16 and LO-19 passes on
autopilot yesterday.  My mobile station is now working. I also gated several
messages to the internet. Now I need to get  a flavor of aprs running on a
proxy server here.Then I will be ready to gate messages unattended. Bob,
does dosaprs run under a proxy server? Some notes about my testing....

Mobile is Yaesu 5100 50 watts with 4.5 dbi Diamond tri bander , TNC is a
PacComm sat modem set, that does Manchester encoding out of the box. I was
txing every ten seconds uplink 145.900, success rate was about 40% .

Base station is an 847 , 1 to 220 watts on 2m, AZ-EL computer controlled
435cx, 22c KLM's, with mast mounted Landweir preamps.
On two meters EIRP = 18 to 3,912. TNC is an AEA DSP 2232, which also does
Manchester encoding out of the box. txing was randem , success rate 99%  up
and down.

Bob said, What uplink are you on.  For our tests and if we are both live, we
might want to chose separate freqs so we are not QRMing each other...

I don't think this matters as the satellite will only process one packet at
a time , to unproto to the downlink.  Anyway I'm done testing the mobile.

I will be working on getting APRSPLUS or DOSAPRS running on my radio
computer, on my network, then I will be ready to run as a satgate

73 Jeff kb2wqm

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