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[ao16aprs] Re: 1200 baud Birds

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Tate Jackson wrote:

> Are there anymore 1200 baud pacsats.  ao-16 is offline and according to 
> amsats webpage,  most of the other 1200 baud pacsats are offline or soon to 
> be.  Is i worth building a 1200 baud pacsat station?

Well, I been talking about using them for 2 years now. and it works, but
we seem to only have a small handful of stations and unless there is a
"mission" or something worth tracking, then we dont have critical mass of
interest to man up the downlink...  But there are 3 birds on orbit that
work perfectly fine.  (AO16 is off doing S band stuff.)

But if I had soething I HAD to track cross country or across the oceans,
or Canada, or ALASKA, then I woiuld certainly use these birds.  But I
woiuld probably have to man the downlink myself or ask someone else to do
it during the "event"..


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