Weather at WA1LOU in Wolcott, Connecticut, USA

The WA1LOU weather station is located at 982 feet ASL in the northeast corner of Wolcott, Connecticut, USA, which has the highest annual rainfall in the state.

Wx Table This link uses a table to display weather conditions at WA1LOU over the past 24 hours. The latest data is at the top of the table; the oldest data is at the bottom.
Wx Graphs This link uses graphs to display weather conditions at WA1LOU over the past 5 days. You may change the time period display (1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 days are selectable). This page also displays current National Weather Service radar image centered on WA1LOU.
Wx Warnings This link displays and lists current National Weather Service weather warnings near WA1LOU. Select the ID link in the table to read the warning.
Wx Stations This link displays a list of all the weather stations near Wolcott, CT, USA.
This link displays information about the equipment used at WA1LOU.

E-mail comments, suggestions, etc. to the Webmaster at WA1LOU.