About stlsum.sit This is a StuffIt compressed map for the Mac/WinAPRS programs covering the St. Louis, Missouri metro area. It contains major roads and water detail except streams. It has a slightly larger view of the the area than the detailed map. Contains 84K points. Menu name is "St. Louis Region Summary". This file is part of a six map suite of the St. Louis area: frankcty.map (Franklin County) jeffcty.map (Jefferson County) stldetl.map (St. Louis metro detail) stlsum.map (St. Louis metro summary) stlwdetl.map (West St. Louis exurb detail) stlwsum.map (West St. Louis exurb summary) Major routes display as 2-pixel (wider) lines under MacAPRS. Produced by N0QBF using MacDLG v1.16.