vamaps09.txt This file contains a MAPLIST.VA and lots of Virginia maps. A previous version of VAMAPSxx.ZIP renamed some of Bob's standard distribution files and you may have been using them...even though Bob had issued updates of the maps by the original filename. This version uses the original filenames in the MAPLIST. Included are at least two new maps: VASTIDE.MAP and VAVABCH.MAP for the South Tidewater and Virginia Beach areas respectively. Send updates to Dan N4WZR at Instructions: 1. Download the ZIP file and put it in your APRS directory. 2. At the DOS prompt, in the APRS directory, type the command: PKUNZIP -d VAMAPS09.ZIP 3. MAPLIST.VA will go to the APRS\MAPLISTS directory and the Virginia maps will go to the APRS\MAPS directory. 4. In APRS, select (M)ap (C)hange_maplist amd enter "VA" to use these maps. 73 de Dan