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[ao16aprs] TAPR Technology Demo Day

From: Greg Jones, WD5IVD [mailto:wd5ivd@tapr.org] 
Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 11:33 AM
To: TAPR Announcement List
Subject: [tapr-bb] TAPR Technology Demo Day

TAPR is proud to announce the first annual Technology Demo Day
sponsored by the TAPR APRS SIG.

The purpose of this event is to demonstrate technology independence at the
location of Field Day. Technologies like Packet Radio, SSTV, ATV, Spread
Spectrum, IGates and other operating modes accessed via RF means only will
be allowed, since this reflects current emergency situations at disaster
scenes in our present day world.

The 1999 Technology Demo Day is to coincide with the ARRL Field Day.

Full details are available at http://www.tapr.org/tdfd


1999 Technology Demo Day

   * Commercial Power Restriction
     No commercial power is allowed for stations submitting a score.

   * Band of operation:
     Any frequencies that are currently allowed for the mode in use. HF,
     VHF, etc

   * Use of networks and digipeaters:
     Digipeaters, Networks, can be used for contacts
     All APRS paths allowed.
     Sites must use RF (No direct Inet)

   * Participants:
     Any licensed amateur radio operator may participate.
     Particpants that are at a direct connection to the net can participate
     but are not permitted to submit scores.

   * Operator Designations:
     Single Operator designated by "SO".
     Multi Operator by "MO"
     No Operator by "NO"

   * Minimum exchange consists of:
     Call Sign, ARRL section, Operator Designation (SO, MO, NO)

   * Submission of scores:
     Do not send your Logs. Send only your score.
     Send your score to kb2scs@worldnet.att.net or use
     Scores must be submitted within two weeks of the end of the event.

   * Points:
        o 25 points for receiving the ARRL message in digital form

        o 2 points for every LIVE packet QSO (packet network, conference
          nodes, digis, etc)

        o 1 point for every APRS station "received"
        o 2 points for every APRS station exchanging messages

        o 25 points for receiving ATV signals from a range over 5 miles
        o 25 points for transmitting ATV to another station over 5 miles

        o 5 points for every received SSTV picture received
        o 5 points for every transmitted SSTV contact

        o 25 points for receiving any Satellite digital MESSAGE
        o 25 points for transmitting any Satellite digital Message.

        o 25 points for making a complete exchange using Spread Spectrum
        o 5 points for each Spread Spectrum contact thereafter


Suggested Operating instructions

     If you aren't listening to the packets, then you may not know what is
     going on the channel. TNC's do not detect collisions. DCD's do not
     either, so just because the little green light is OFF, does not mean
     the channel is not all QRM
   * Operate normally.
     USE SHORT packets and MINIMUM PATH.
     Use WIDEN-N where possible.
     Keep hops practical for your area. (any more than 3 probably
     Work everyone you see on mail/traffic pages.
   * ACKS are not required!
     If you get a QSL message from the other station, don't wait for an ACK.
     Erase the outgoing message to reduce QRM!
   * Internet Gateways
     The key here is that IGates only pass through MESSAGEs to LOCAL
     stations in their area. This means you can QSO with anyone if you
     already know their callsign! You will probably NOT see their posits
     since only messages go via IGates (normally). This is why you should
     always include your GRIDSQ in all of your text messages.
     Here are some ways we have come up with to get around these quirks for:
        * a) Assume an SSID of -6 for stations and guess at some
          APRS calls...
        * Watch your traffic list. As soon as anyone QSO's anyone in your
          area, you will see them for a return QSO.
        * Send a CQ FD MESSAGE with your GRIDSQ and report to a DIGI in a
          known area with an IGate. This will go through all IGates.
        * Do a MAPS-OVERLAY-DIGIS for an area to see a good target call.
          (See C)
        * Do NOT send CQFD or TARGET messages until you have exhausted all
          other contacts, else we may totally BLOCK the RF channels around
        * Once you are working via IGATES, PLEASE minimize your path to ONLY
          the hops needed to hit your local IGate.
        * Home Stations If you are not going to operate, please
          set up your UN-ATTENDED home station for AUTOREPLY with something
          like 'QSL. [gridsq].(NO), ARRL section, etc. For APRSdos this
          simply means send ONE message to the callsign of REPLY and make
          sure this message is the first in your SEND list.


APRS� is registered to Bob Bruninga, WB4APR.
Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
8987-309 E Tanque Verde Rd #337 * Tucson, Az * 85749-9399
e-mail: tapr@tapr.org       web: <http://www.tapr.org/>
ftp:    ftp.tapr.org
phone:  940-383-0000        fax: 940-565-2544

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