Contents of picedia2.txt - this file picedia2.asm - assembly file for PIC-E diagnostic program ver 2 picedia2.hex - Intel hex file for PIC-E diagnostic program ver 2 picedia2 is a small diagnostic program for the TAPR PIC-E. The program tests the MX614 modem chip sending, radio PTT, switch reading, serial sending and receiving, and Valid LED. Serial is 4800 baud N81. Be sure JP2 is in normal mode to test serial reception. The four test modes are: MODE 1: MODE SWITCH OFF (right) OPTION SWITCH OFF (right) Valid LED ON PTT OFF No audio generated Serial in INC mode. For every character received, it sends back the following char. (Type in 'A', get back 'B') MODE 2: MODE SWITCH OFF (right) OPTION SWITCH ON (left) Valid LED OFF PTT ON 1200Hz & 2200Hz audio sent switched at 1200 baud Serial OFF MODE 3: MODE SWITCH ON (left) OPTION SWITCH OFF (right) Valid LED Flashing quickly PTT ON 1200Hz audio sent Serial sends the letters 'A' through 'P' quickly MODE 4: MODE SWITCH ON (left) OPTION SWITCH ON (left) Valid LED Flashing slowly PTT ON 2200Hz audio sent Serial sends the letters 'a' through 'p' slowly Written by Byon Garrabrant, N6BG Mar 2000