APRS Mic Encoder Message Formats

Contributed by Alan Crosswell, N2YGK.

This is DRAFT documentation of equipment under beta test and may not be correct or may be subject to change. Revised 4/25/97 for Rev. 1 changes.


This chapter describes the on-air protocol used by the APRS Mic Encoder. You don't need to read it unless you are writing software to decode Mic Encoder packets, for example. Reference is made to the AX.25 standard, AX.25 Amateur Packet-Radio Link-Layer Protocol Version 2.0, October 1984 which is available at http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/ax25.html.

The APRS Mic Encoder compresses the APRS position report and message bits into the destination address and information fields of a standard AX.25 UI (unproto) frame. Although the destination address appears to be quite unconventional, it is a valid AX.25 address, consisting only of printable (shifted) 7-bit ASCII values. The result of this compression is a frame 232 bits long (plus any sync characters sent for TXdelay) which contains:

To this basic message, the following additions are sometimes made:

Figure 1 shows the basic AX.25 UI frame. Figures 2 and 3 describe the special encoding.

Flag Address Control PID Info FCS Flag
01111110 112/560 Bits 00000011 11110000 72...N Bits 16 Bits 01111110
  (see Fig. 2) UI no level 3 (see Fig. 3)    
Fig. 1 -- Mic-E UI frame

Destination Address

Callsign: Latitude & msg, etc. bits SSID
Fig. 2 -- Destination Address Encoding

Since the MIC-E is transmitting unconnected (broadcast) AX.25 frames, the destination address does not have to be a callsign-SSID as is required for connected-mode (two-way station-to-station) communications. Conventional APRS transmissions set the destination address to a generic broadcast callsign such as APRS. The MIC-E compressed transmission instead makes good use of these seven bytes by embedding the latitude and various flag and message bits as follows:

Information Field

The Information field (text) is used to complete the position report that was begun in the destination address. The encoding used is different from the destination address since the content is not constrained to be printable, shifted 7-bit ASCII, as it is in the address. However, full 8-bit binary is not used: all values are offset by 28 and further operations (described below) are performed on some of the values to make the data close to if not completely printable ASCII. This enables one to use a TNC in MONitor mode to display the data without confusion over whether a carriage-return is part of the data or the end of line. Also, software that suffers from the limitations of only accepting 7-bit printable ASCII is accommodated.

NOTE: If the first character of the information field is not one of the four valid MIC-E flag characters (1Ch, 1Dh, 60h or 27h), then the frame is not a MIC-E compressed report and must be interpreted as a conventional AX.25 packet.

MIC-E mandatory Information Field data bytes
flag Longitude Speed & Course
symbol table
F D+28 M+28 H+28 SP+28 DC+28 SE+28 $ T
Fig. 3a -- Information Field Encoding: Mandatory fields

The information field is encoded as follows:

The speed and course bytes are packed binary-coded decimal. After first subtracting 28 from the byte, each 4-bit nibble contains a single digit of the course or speed.

Finally, make these course and speed adjustments: The remaining fields are:

The information field is optionally extended either with telemetry values or comments/btext. If the next byte is one of the flag characters (60h, 27h, 1Dh), then it contains telemetry.

MIC-E optional Information Field data
optional telemetry (follows mandatory data)
flag Telemetry
F 11 22 33 44 55
Fig. 3b -- Information Field Encoding: Optional telemetry
The flag is one of:
60h2 printable hex telemetry values follow (channels 1 and 3).
27h5 printable hex telemetry values follow.
1Dh5 binary telemetry values follow (Rev. 0 beta units only)
Each telemetry value is a 2 digit printable hex representation of a binary value ranging from 0..255. For example, 254 is represented as `FE'. (Except Rev. 0 beta units.)

For comments/btext, the remainder of the information field simply contains textual data as configured by the MIC-E user. You can put in a standard APRS-formatted comment (see APRSdos README\PROTOCOL.TXT) which will cause the APRS display software to override any position data the Mic-E has encoded. This is most useful if you are using a Mic-E without a GPS.

MIC-E optional Information Field data
optional comments/btext (follows mandatory data)
comments or btext
Fig. 3c -- Information Field Encoding: Optional comments