TNCINIT Kissmode switching or New Configuration of a V 9.0 TAPR or WA8DED/TF-SW eprom from Initialisation file. (c)DL5FBD Call: TNCINIT Parameter list The Parameter requires a ":" separator before the value. The Filename must be given, all other Parameters are started with default values as shown in brackets ( ) below. F:File Name of the Intialisation file C:Port Serial Port COMx (1) C:Port,Adr,IRQ complete Port Definition B:Baudrate Baudrate (9600) W:Word length Word length 7,8 (8) P:Parity Parity K=none, G=even, U=odd (K) SB:Stopbit Stopbits 1,2 (1) H:Handshake Handshake K=none H=hardware S=soft. (K) S:TNCSoft Software Ident. "TAPR","TF" (TAPR) E: Data Echo on Monitor (no Echo) U:hh,mm UTC-Time offset in Hours, Minutes (0,0) Parameter File Command Lines are able to be established. With these Command Lines, TNCINIT-Actions can be requested, Delay Times redefined or executed. D:Time (ms) General Delay in ms This Delay time can be requested at optional positions in the Parameter File and will be awaited directly. CD:Time (ms) Character Delay in ms This Delay time will be observed between the transmission of each Character. LD:Time (ms) Line Delay in ms This Delay time will be executed at the end of a transferred line and gives the TNC extra time for the interpretation and execution. K: Kiss Reset Command Carries out the KISS-Reset command dependant on the WA8DED/TF-SW or TAPR-SW. U: Time and Date Transfer. U:hh,mm Time with Offset (Hrs,Min) from UTC Transfer the actual PC-sytem time to TNC. E:ON E:OFF Switch Echo on "ON" or off "OFF" Serves in the testing of Delaytime parameter BR:Time (ms) Sends, for the indicated time a Break Signal. BY:xx,yy,zz,.. Sends a series of Bytes in Hexadecimal ($n) or Decimal. Each is separated by commas as shown. It is therefore possible to transmit to the TNC Ctrl-Characters CL:ON CL:OFF CL:ON cause the TNC to be toggled into the Command Mode before the transfer of a line. CL:OFF switches off this toggle, eg. for the Initialisation of TNC-Mailboxes (PK232 HR: Toggles a TNC with WA8DED/TF-Software out of Host Mode into the Terminal Mode. L:xx Targets Set/Reset of the Handshake controls RTS, DTS by means of a Control Byte in the form DTR= Bit 1 and RTS= Bit 0 for RS232-Multiplex hardware such as eg. TNCIO-Card Certainly the dependancy xx for the TNC Number at the Multiplexer must be probed. : Remark Add a Remark to the Documentation. A Remark line is not interpreted by TNCINIT when preceeded by a colon (:) at the beginning of a line. Independent of this, a remark may follow a TNCINIT-Command if it is separated from the command by at least one space or a Tabulator character. e.g. CD:25 25ms Character Delay LD:200 200ms Line Delay These Comments make an Initialisation file understandable and therefore to easy to manipulate. Typical example for COM3 Address=338H IRQ=2 with 19200 Bd. and the Initialisation file KISSOFF.DAT for TAPR-SW. TNCINIT C:3,$338,2 B:19200 S:TAPR F:KISSOFF.DAT The Initialisation file KISSOFF.DAT can look as follows: : Demonstration of a KISS-Reset and Intialisation file CD:20 Character Delay 20ms LD:100 Command Delay 100ms K: KISS-Reset sent D:2000 After KISS-Reset 2s Initialisation pause AWLEN 8 PARITY 0 MYCALL DL5FBD RESTART D:2000 After RESTART 2s Initialisation pause Here the Transfer Parameters are: 8 Bit, no Parity and 1 Stopbit which are the predefined standard in TNCINIT.